mariella & andy - a stylish chicago affair

These two just flat out stole my heart. When we met last summer during their engagement session, it was clear to see how head-over-heels in love they were from the get-go. Mariella, an absolutely gorgeous gal from Peru and Andy, a dapper native Chicagoan, make the perfect pair. Kind, funny and bright, they are the poster children for “Young Couple in Love”.

And, as was to be expected, their wedding day was so very special. Firstly - and on a very personal note - it afforded me the opportunity to explore my own husband’s grandmother’s Chicago heritage. Her parents were both Polish immigrants and were devoted parishioners at the STUNNING St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic church where Mariella and Andy had their beautiful ceremony. Shortly before their wedding I visited Busia (my now 92-year-old-but-feisty-as-ever grandmother-in-law) and told her how excited I was to visit her old stomping ground. She told me all about going to mass there every morning before attending the parish school, how much she loved just looking “up”, etc. As a big lover of all things history, all things architectural heritage and all things my husband, I was beyond excited to check out St. Stans. And, man oh man, did it deliver!

After the ceremony, we shot over to an incredibly gorgeous venue downtown and stole a few minutes for a little couple’s portrait session overlooking the Wrigley building before their terrace cocktail party. Amazing views, good food, good music, great people and soo much love, Mariella and Andy’s night was one that I certainly will not be forgetting in a hurry!

A massive congratulations to this wonderful couple! Thank you so much for allowing me to capture your amazing day!