Man oh man, these two are hilarious. I had such a great time running around Mineral Point (a gorgeous little town in Wisconsin’s Driftless Valley region) with Elisabeth and Steven on a lovely spring day during their engagement session. It was the first truly beautiful day we’d seen in the Midwest since, oh I don’t know, October 2017 give or take (BUT WHO’S COUNTING?! Sorry….clearly beginning to get a little unhinged due to April blizzards and general lack of sunlight) and I wouldn’t have spent it any other way.
You wouldn’t know it by looking at them (because let’s be honest, they clean up beautifully), but these guys are actually very much hands on farmers as the owners/operators of local Kings Hill Farm and grow “all of the vegetables” (that is a direct quote).
Can’t wait to return to this beautiful spot to capture these guys again as they tie the knot this summer. Congratulations, Elisabeth and Steven!
p.s. Scroll down to check out her c. 1895 diamond ring that Steven obtained from a vintage jewelry dealing friend in Amsterdam! So. Flibbin. Gorgeous.